2. Which women’s shoes men hate?
Usually the questions starts with “What are your favorite…” or “What do you preffer…” but in this case, the question is reversed: which women’s shoes men hate? Yes, you don’t need to have a foot fetish to love female footwear, isn’t it? Everybody, men & women are attracted by sexy shoes but, which are the most sexy? Or rather, what’s the least attractive shoe type?
The survery –conducted among more tan 2000 users- cleary indicates that wedges are the most hated and sneakers are the best liked. However, it should be noted that this poll was made it for men, if women had voted this, the result would already be quite different.
Other interesting points of this research are: 79% of men pay attention to female shoes, this means a lot of potential fetishists there… 93% of users considere more sexy women if wears a sexy footwear, this means nice shoes make girls more beautiful and finally, the 64% admitted have chosen personally his partner’ shoe style, this means definitely men love female shoes.
According to the men’s opinions, the less attractive female footwear styles are:
Hello 23 young attractive hard working skilled and experienced with fetishes and being trampled I would love to chat with someone that stomps and trampled stomach because I enjoy it